

Read what students and parents have to say about the summer pre-college experience.




爱德华·惠特曼的画像. "Going to Pre-College showed me how many connections the Marist Sports Communications Department had in the sports world. It was terrific middle ground for me—a nice step between high school and college. We had supervision at Pre-College but definitely more freedom and responsibility than in high school. 两周结束时,我不想离开.” -  Eddie Whitman '20 (To learn more about Eddie's 夏天预科 experience 点击这里.)

“不要因为离开家而紧张, Pre-College was my first time away from home and I knew absolutely no one. Within a day or two everyone made friends and no one felt out of place or alone." - 托马斯,来自纽约格林劳恩

"夏天预科 was one of the first times I spent two weeks away from home. I learned what it was like to live with someone else in a new 环境, which set me up really well for when I came to Marist freshman year. I felt prepared to start college because of my experience with Pre-College." ——来自新泽西州马纳拉潘的凯特琳

"If you are interested in attending 夏天预科, apply! I promise you it will be an experience you will never forget." ——新泽西州弗里霍尔德的萨曼莎

"This program is a great taste of college life with great classes and the beauty of the campus on the Hudson River. 这次独特的城市之旅是一个巨大的奖励. 谢谢你,bet亚洲365欢迎投注!" -来自香港的Glynnis

"Overall, the program at Marist was more than what I thought it would be. I learned so much about a topic I am very interested in and might want to pursue as a career. 我对大学生活有了很好的感觉. I met great people, and I can’t think of a better way I could have spent two weeks.” ——来自康涅狄格州特朗布尔的杰克

“我有一段奇妙的经历. The staff was very welcoming and I had no trouble adapting to Marist. My roommates and the other students were so much fun to be around. Honestly, this was an experience of a lifetime and I would repeat this course multiple times over" ——来自康涅狄格州伊斯顿的安德里亚.

 "I took the creative writing course and can't tell you how much it has improved my performance in English this year. I challenged myself by taking AP Composition and Literature. I loved meeting famous writers and having them critique my work. My English teacher was amazed at how much I did and learned in two weeks and continue to use what I learned." ——来自纽约布鲁斯特的丹妮尔


"My daughter attended the Pre-College program last year. Upon arrival as we were greeted by smiling students and staff who were extremely prepared to assist us in any way possible. 我对整个过程印象深刻, from the information packet sent to parents prior to the program to the detailed Pre-College program and activities that my daughter attended. I must admit that I thought I would cry when I had to leave her but surprisingly I did not. I was filled with excitement for her and had such a strong sense of safety and security that I found myself smiling as I drove away. Michelle and I can not say enough positive things about the program. 她交了朋友, 感受一下真正的大学生活, 获得了3个大学学分,玩得非常开心. When I asked if she would recommend the program she answered with a resounding, 'Absolutely!' When I asked if attending the Pre-College program helped her make her college decision, 答案是, bet亚洲365欢迎投注有家的感觉.'  If you want to give your child an experience he/she will never forget, apply to the program and see what a difference two weeks at Marist makes." ——夫人. 碘,大学预科家长,高中校长.

"As a parent, I was thrilled with the experience my daughter had. She worked hard, learned a lot, as well as a wonderful exposure to the field she was interested in. 这两周的经历包含了很多东西."

"Couldn't ask for a better opportunity for my son to experience a college course, 环境, 生活安排."

"Our son participated in your 夏天预科 Game course. 这是一个很棒的节目. 他能够参加他感兴趣的领域的课程, it gave him an opportunity to make a game with the skills he learned and made him more decisive about pursuing his degree in Computer 科学. Dr. Coleman not only provided a wealth of knowledge in this area to the students but made the class fun and really engaged the students. 他是这个项目的宝贵资源. Not only did our son gain some knowledge of his anticipated degree of study, he accomplished a bigger feat - orientation to college life. He was a little apprehensive that the two weeks may turn out to seem long, 但在他离开之后, 他希望它能长一点. 他遇到了很多好朋友, 学会了如何处理离家后的事情, 并习惯大学生活. He is now really looking forward to college and is not at all apprehensive about it, which will make senior year in High School and all the decisions about college easier to make. As parents, it was also extremely helpful in preparing us for his next step - college. 谢谢你提供这个精彩的节目."

"My son did the sports communication program at Marist last summer. 这对他来说是一次奇妙的经历. They hopped the train to New York City with the department chairman and he took them to CBS Sports for a tour with alumni at 30 Rock and then they went to a Yankees game. 这些都包括在学费里了. 火车站就在附近. 课程作业很严格,他们玩得很开心. It was a nice test for me to see how he would do living away, he was just fine. 非常安全. They all stay in touch and there were people there from the east coast, west coast, and in between."
