
An Entrepreneur for Accessibility

Dana 琼斯’20

3月25日, 2019年,并不是每个大学生都能在全国演讲中得到特别的欢呼, 但话说回来, not every college student is Dana 琼斯 ’20. 琼斯 is an entrepreneur, 创新者, and master networker who launched a business called Accessadoor, 这是一款手机应用程序,通过让残疾人更方便地进门来打破障碍. 自 transferring to Marist from Dutchess Community College (DCC), 琼斯 has further developed Accessadoor, 很快就会在bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的150扇门上进行测试, DCC, and the Culinary Institute of America, as well as in several buildings owned by Dutchess County. 

琼斯, who commutes to Marist from her home in Poughkeepsie, has been an entrepreneur for as long as she can remember, 不断为公司集思广益,想办法让她的朋友参与进来. 她回忆道, 四年级的时候, 我有一个主意是开一家派对策划公司,另一个主意是在我家附近的达奇斯铁路道上开一个饼干和柠檬水小摊. I’ve always been logical and analytical in my thinking, 是什么让我最终选择了工商管理专业,专注于创业.”

If necessity is the mother of invention, 那么坐在轮椅上对琼斯的创新方式产生了很大的影响. 正如她所说,“残疾帮助我培养了创造力和解决问题的能力. 我必须以不同于那些没有面临同样挑战的人的方式来思考这个世界.例如:, 一个健全的人可能永远不会想到,通往建筑物的开门按钮有时会够不着或出了故障, leaving someone in a wheelchair waiting or reliant on a stranger for help. 他们也不必考虑门会突然打开,或者如何在拥挤的走廊里穿行, but these considerations are part of 琼斯’ daily life. “Being disabled gives you a different outlook. Without my wheelchair, I would never have had the idea for Accessadoor.”

当琼斯刚开始在DCC工作时,她意识到她不能因为无障碍问题而错过一天的课程,于是萌生了创建公司的想法. 有一天,她发短信给一个朋友,让他帮她离开一栋楼,她突然灵光一现. What if she could open the door with her phone instead? 琼斯的想法可能不会有进一步的进展,如果她没有参加一个晚会,并与DCC主席帕梅拉·艾丁顿和凯伦·特罗瓦托联系, an engineer with more than 100 patents. They both loved the idea of Accessadoor, 琼斯的项目很快就变成了全校范围的合作:DCC工程专业的学生雅各布·恩斯特(Jacob Ernst)开发了这款应用,后来成为琼斯的合伙人, while art students created the logo and branding, and business students helped write the business plan. 此外,生物系学生正在对建筑无障碍按钮进行细菌计数分析.

当琼斯 transferred to Marist 作为一名大三学生, 她很快发现了另一个推动她的想法的机会:2018年纽约地区商业计划竞赛, which was being hosted at the College. 在比赛中, entrepreneurs are given 10 minutes to present their ideas to a panel of judges, explain what problem they are solving, and how their idea will make revenue. Never one to leave things to chance, 琼斯花了三个星期的时间在不同的观众面前练习和完善她的演讲. On the day of her presentation, she was thoroughly prepared, bringing an Accessadoor prototype and showing a promotional video she had made. 琼斯’ preparation paid off, and she won the first prize of $1,000 for the IT/Software division, advancing to the state-level Business Plan Competition, where her second-place finish earned $2,500美元的资金.



According to 琼斯, her breakthrough moment came this past November. 正如她所说,“accessdoor真的是建立在巧合和网络的基础上的. 在秋天, 我在DCC颁奖典礼上谈到了我的公司,并有机会坐在[达奇斯县执行官]马克·莫利纳罗旁边. 他立即要求与我安排一次会面,以了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注Accessadoor的物流情况. 他和其他团队成员都很喜欢我的想法,并扩大了应用的测试范围.莫利纳罗在2月27日的国情咨文中强调了琼斯的工作, 赞扬了她的企业家精神,以及她为使达奇斯县更具包容性所做的努力.

琼斯也很快对那些在天主教社区帮助过她的人表示感谢. “(管理学副教授)大卫·加文对我影响很大. He’s been a great sounding board for my ideas.” 教师 members in the College’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program have been key collaborators in 琼斯’ work as well. 她说:“临床助理教授Yvonne Egitto和助理教授John McGee都非常支持我, giving me ideas and helping me with a grant proposal. 这太巧了,因为伊冯在我五岁的时候是我的理疗师, and we reconnected here at Marist. Now I help her out with her classes.”


Dana 琼斯 was awarded First Place, IT/Software at the 2018 Mid-Hudson Regional Business Plan Competition

Not one to rest on her laurels, 琼斯已经准备好在4月12日的2019年纽约地区商业计划竞赛上展示她的下一个想法, which will again be hosted at Marist. 她的项目“Piv-It”是管理学院评选出的六个项目之一 3天启动 去年秋天的事件. 琼斯的概念是一种电动轮椅,它的特点是座位可以在不移动底座的情况下旋转. 就像accessdoor一样, 这个想法来自于她坐在拥挤的教室里的亲身经历. 琼斯说:“3天创业公司的人都很喜欢这个想法,并想知道为什么它还没有出现.”

As if starting companies didn’t keep her busy enough, 琼斯活跃于bet亚洲365欢迎投注的通勤俱乐部,同时也是瓦尔基尔埃莉诺·罗斯福中心的实习生。. 她是作为一名特殊事件/业务实习生进入ERVK的,但她的角色最近有所扩大. 琼斯说, “ERVK邀请我在一个bet亚洲365欢迎投注社区大学生领导力的特别活动上发言, which I was proud to do since I began as a community college student myself.” Amid all the networking, 琼斯 keeps herself grounded by spending time with Tanner and Sky, her two rescue dogs from North Carolina.

展望未来, Accessadoor将开始为期46个月的beta测试,以收集数据并修复错误. 琼斯估计在测试期间会有40到50人使用这款应用. 如果一切顺利的话, 她已经在附近的高地确定了该设备的生产地点. “My goal is for everything to be local,” says 琼斯. 毕业后, 她想参与哈德逊河谷或纽约市的初创企业. She adds, “I also want to help other young entrepreneurs. I have a passion for mentoring.” And, of course, she plans to continue growing Accessadoor. One thing is for certain – we haven’t heard the last of Dana 琼斯.
